Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Works in LA! What About Your "BIG" Hometown?

I have only been to Los Angeles a few times.  Had no previous desire to ride my bike there, but then I watched a short three minute video about "CicLavia"...which was held in LA on 4-10-2011...and thought..hey this is pretty cool! is refreshing to see people riding thier bikes in "sunshine" in contrast to NEO #@$%!@%^!!

Here is the link to a blog write up about the event that has the 3 minute video:

Here is the web site link for "CicLavia" if you want to check this out more:

In the mean time...I am working on posts!  More to follow.

Please leave comments about "Circla Via" if you have a chance.  Thanks!


1 comment:

  1. I almost suffered sun stroke watching the video with all that blue sky :)
    It looks like a fun event with people just hanging out. A nice find! Thanks
