Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Holy COW!

Holy COW!!!  Cager On Wheels (COW) has started this blog to share personal connections to cycling.  Cager On Wheels might be a strange blog name but lets just say that strange, odd, and peculiar are adjectives that I fancy.  Be sure to check back to learn of the evolution of this blogname, tidbits, and hopefully other useless facts. 

In reality, COW might be a misleading blog acronym since it does connote the female gender of cattle and that’s no bull.  In terms of collective cycling experiences, I am very much a newbie or what might consider a baby.  So for cattle call purposes, a reference to CALF might be a better genderless reference.  Before any experienced cyclist (older cattle) seeks to make me a veal cutlet, my actual adult bike riding experiences only got rolling last March (2010). 

I am not sure I will have profound cycling knowledge to share.  Yet as I reflect on my first year of cycling as a 54-year old bull, it has been an amazing journey.  For my first 12 months of riding, I logged 5,998 miles.  Never would have comprehend that could have happened since it was not a personal goal when I started pedaling.  For sure, this accomplishment has been encouraged and supported by the personal connections I have made in pursuing this new passion.

My initial blogging objective is to share and highlight stories about individuals that I have made personal connections with while riding along this new biking trail.  I hope you enjoy sharing the ride with me.  I suppose this will be more or less a personal journal blog with a cycling spin. 

Here is one final note to this post.  My current blogging interest was inspired by three local bloggers within our Akron cycling community.  Back On Two Wheels (BOTW), Mars Girl on Two Wheels, and Brenda’s ABC blog (check out the blog list on the right).  Holy cow, all three of these bloggers are women who I have found to be insightful writers and enthusiastic cyclists.  To borrow and slightly bend Brenda’s characterization of these biker/bloggers, they seem to be excellent representatives of being “Steampunk Chuckets” (check out Brenda's ABC blog if this seems "fuzzy").  Roll on ladies!


  1. What a great way to get the wheel rolling on documenting the journey!! Looking forward to pedaling to lunch with you this summer and adding to the stories first hand.

  2. Welcome to crazy world of bike blogging!
