Saturday, May 14, 2011

Talking Trash...

Did your mother ever wash out your mouth with soap...for trashing talk?

Based upon what I heard at ABC's Saturday adopt-a-highway work day...there was a lot of trashing talking.

 "Got soap?"

I know I have been a little feisty in getting this blog started.  So, for sure, I deserve to "bite the bar" for some of the "instigating" topics I have been harping on.  Please know it is the truth.  If my mother ever heard me say the words, "I am promoting...Cluster..."


She would have clobbered me with a back hand before I finished my utterance, "...Chaperons."

With tears in my eyes...I would have tried to explain to Mom that "leading" does not always need to occur from the front of the pack.  As a matter of fact, the best leading, which is often inspirational, has been done in the "depression of trenches".

You just know these two are TALKING TRASH!

Wally...don't mess with Lori on the topic of trash.
She can talk it with the best of them plus she is carrying extra bags.
Besides, she has one of those poky thingees...
Say one word about the "bags" and you'll be dead meat!
Here are the post highlights of my observations of folks serving in the trenches, demonstrating good potential as Cluster Chaperons, at the ABC's Route 303 Highway clean up:
  • Every Trash Pick Up Day has a "WINNER!"
  • Flocks flying in "Trashy Formations."
  • Is Riding in "boots" Safe?
  • Fishing for Treasures (Hong Kong Steve in Action)!
  • Do you smell something funny (fowl)?
  • Trash Hauling Two Step Dancing!
Thanks for checking out the TRASH!

Holy COW! It is not all my fault!

Below is a screen capture of the BLOG SPOT, the host site, which provides some updates on "technical difficulties" that have snagged some...if not most of my efforts to get caught up on my COW posting activities.

The engineers have been adding some improvements...however, I can tell they still need to work out the bugs on "fixes" they have tried to implement.

Let's hope things stabilize soon!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Honk, Honk, Honk!!! More Than a FULL HOUSE...

The lead "Grey Goose" has MIGRATED back home!

If there was one individual who has guided my cycling path, like the lead goose of a migrating "V" of geese, it would be none other than Wayne Ostrander.  Here is a "honk, honk" for showing me the way...good buddy!

Checking back in my biking log spreadsheet:
  • I met Wayne in Lake Findley, NY on Thursday July 28, 2010
  • That date was only nine days after getting "reluctant medical permission" to start riding again on 7/20/2010
  • July 20, 2010 was forty-three days after my June 7, 2010 bus accident
  • The "bus accident" was approximately 13 months after my "triple by pass" surgery in early May 2009
  • Since starting biking riding in March of 2010, my career mileage, as of today is, 7,251 miles

While riding with Wayne today, I told him that running into the back of that school bus in Hudson, OH... was the best thing that ever could have happened to me.

Wayne said, "Say WHAT?"

I then went on to explain, “I am now living my life positively forward, while understanding it better backwards!"

Wayne's response back, "You really are a LUNATIC Kenneth!"

I pleaded my case....

If I had stopped in time to avoid the bus, and not broken my left shoulder in four spots, punctured a lung with a fractured rib, and incurred slow healing nerve damage to my left arm...I never would have met my best riding buddy Wayne!

Wayne knows that is the TRUTH!

Below are some more truths....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

CYSIN: Whirl Wind Wednesday (4/27)

What good would a biking blog be without discussing food!

At least that is what the culinary experts I hang around with, called Team ROMEO, would say.

And, those ROMEOs have also taught me a lot about "dreaming". 

Pick a destination.  Dream about it. Get out your maps.  And, make a dream come true by riding your bike to that chosen destination.

Dang!  Those ROMEOs are so deliciously romantic!

Marie Catribs is a little romantic place for big dreamers!

Today's post is about a little dream trip:

Destination:  Grand Rapids, MI
Distance:  316 Miles from Stow, OH
Anticipated Weather:  Crappy!  Winds,
                                    Thunderstorms and only God knows what else!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

CYSIN: Traumatic Part III Tuesday (4/26)

As an "inmate biker" ...I want to be treated in a very humane manner!

My google search for a movie title, that popped out of my head, generated a great find.
Even though this flick is actually titled "The Green Mile", the review name provided the hit!
Let's face it.  We are all on death row.  It is just a matter of time.

And, as bikers, we should all know the "odds" are sometimes stacked against us.  That's why it is imperative to: Ride Safe!

Spinning further...another quick google search for "cycling deaths 2010" produced an OHIO "death column" reference...pointing to the past six years:

Being a spreadsheet geek, if I had time I would have applied a pivot table to convert the "death column" to a "death row" format.  Hopefully, just you knowing that I am thinking it will be sufficient to make my point!  

Nobody wants to be a any column.  However, in my first year of riding, I made two of the columns...crashes and injuries (more to follow on my June 7th "bus crash").  Accidents can happen...but they can also be avoided!

Hopefully, I am seeking to steer clear of this data set in 2011 and beyond! I hope and pray the same for you.

FYI, below you will find the reference to the web source of the above data table of Ohio Bicycle Crashes.

I don't recall ever seeing "The Green Mile" (Mrs. thinks I have... and then I learn son Andy has it in his dvd collection) ...but it is now on my "must watch list"...even if it was not a block buster hit!  I like Tom Hanks (and also ABC's Tom Wilson...come to think of it). 

Visualization of a "thought" popping out of my mind!

Best of all, I like the name of the movie review!  It fits perfectly with Part III of the Traumatic Tuesday!

In context, here is "the longest mile" (actually 1.1 miles) that provides the landscape for this blog entry.  I wish there was a nifty quick way to change the google maps "blue route" to a "green route"...but you just knowing I am thinking it will be sufficient! 

Portage Trail...a climb option out of Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Part III primarily covers the identified route above...from green point A...UP TO... green point B.

Below are points of interest from "the longest mile"...which occurred a long the way:
  •  The Fix!
  • The Fall!
  • The Walk!
  • The SAG Rescue! 

CYSIN: The Traumatic PART II of Tuesday (4/26)

Which of the above "pics" is highlighted in Traumatic Part II Tuesday?

When the sun is shining and skies are blue it is hard to imagine categorizing such a day as "traumatic".  However, that is exactly what this Tuesday gets classified as.

Two of the six pictures above relate to Traumatic Tuesday.  One is highlighted in "Tuesday - PART II" of this post,  The other will be highlighted in "Tuesday - Part III" in the next post.

You will just have to select "more" to "see" a part of the full story!

Monday, April 25, 2011

CYSIN: Reflecting Back on "Mooo-n Light Monday" (4/25) the "CYSIN" reference in these series of post titles, each dated April 30, 2011, might be a little confusing.

Let me explain the mechanics this way....

In the processing of "focusing my telescope" for the mission of this "one month old" blog, which is intended to simply be a personal journal, I have made the following discoveries:
  • Setting the "context" of my blogging background is challenging.  I should have started blogging a year ago...when I began my bike riding activities.  If I had, I wouldn't feel compelled to explain stuff all the time.
  • It seems, in this world of blogging/journaling, that it is difficult to stay current.  Biking, working, thinking, creating (and other stuff I should be doing), all seem to demand time and attention.  I am working on finding the right "gear" to ride keep my pedal strokes smooth. However, I am loving the ride!
  • Steering is a problem.  "Stay between the lines", is one of my favorite TV commercial quotes...that I need to more consistently apply here.  Sorry if I get distracted and roll off the path occasionally (okay...most of the time). 
Repeat after me, COW intends to write about making "positive connections" on the cycling trail!  The CYSIN preface, is my attempt to get caught up on "connections" that I have made in April, before moving on to the merry, merry, month of May!

So...if I am filled with such merriment, "WHY the SAD Moon Face?"

On the 26th day of the "moon's cycle", one can see
...old man in the moon!