My google search for a movie title, that popped out of my head, generated a great find. Even though this flick is actually titled "The Green Mile", the review name provided the hit! |
And, as bikers, we should all know the "odds" are sometimes stacked against us. That's why it is imperative to: Ride Safe!
Spinning further...another quick google search for "cycling deaths 2010" produced an OHIO "death column" reference...pointing to the past six years:
Being a spreadsheet geek, if I had time I would have applied a pivot table to convert the "death column" to a "death row" format. Hopefully, just you knowing that I am thinking it will be sufficient to make my point!
Nobody wants to be a any column. However, in my first year of riding, I made two of the columns...crashes and injuries (more to follow on my June 7th "bus crash"). Accidents can happen...but they can also be avoided!
Hopefully, I am seeking to steer clear of this data set in 2011 and beyond! I hope and pray the same for you.
FYI, below you will find the reference to the web source of the above data table of Ohio Bicycle Crashes.
I don't recall ever seeing "The Green Mile" (Mrs. thinks I have... and then I learn son Andy has it in his dvd collection) ...but it is now on my "must watch list"...even if it was not a block buster hit! I like Tom Hanks (and also ABC's Tom Wilson...come to think of it).
Visualization of a "thought" popping out of my mind! |
Best of all, I like the name of the movie review! It fits perfectly with Part III of the Traumatic Tuesday!
In context, here is "the longest mile" (actually 1.1 miles) that provides the landscape for this blog entry. I wish there was a nifty quick way to change the google maps "blue route" to a "green route"...but you just knowing I am thinking it will be sufficient!
Portage Trail...a climb option out of Cuyahoga Valley National Park |
Part III primarily covers the identified route above...from green point A...UP TO... green point B.
Below are points of interest from "the longest mile"...which occurred a long the way:
- The Fix!
- The Fall!
- The Walk!
- The SAG Rescue!
Here is a quick recap of Traumatic Tuesday (in case you have not been along for the ride):
Part I - Is It Really Raining Out There?
- ROMEO's leader, Dr. Tom, cancels group lunch ride...the team instead "drives to" the Winking Lizard.
- I ride my bike down Portage Trail into the Valley, and race a Red Rabbit to Peninsula, to protest the cancellation!
- Captured Dr. Tom's "weak" explanation for canceling the ride...on first blog video!
- Leave the Winking Lizard as quickly as be back home by 2:30 deadline set by son Andy!
- Stop to take a few photos of "Blue Skies" (and "Blue Signs")
Part II - I Ignored "the voice" to Clear It From The Road!
- Can't seem to find what I am looking for "in the road"...stop to take a few pics of "rising river".
- See an interesting sign that holds double meaning... "Hidden Drive"...more pics taken.
- Finally locate "dead raccoon" in middle of the road...which makes for "unsafe" condition for bikers!
- Remove "bandit" and place him in a near by sanctuary of rocks to... "R.I.P."
- Reflect upon the connections of these "in the valley" the Easter Story.
- Post Message: If you find debris in the road...remove it... for every one's safety.
Check out Traumatic Part II of Tuesday (4/26)
Part III - The Longest Mile
My "on the fly" plan is to make a left turn on to Portage Trail and head home. That's not exactly what I had wanted to do...when I was back tracking, after my lunch visit with the ROMEOs, to find and remove the dead raccoon from
Akron Peninsula Rd.
I was hoping to climb out of the valley on a more familiar Truxell, Wetmore, or Quick.
I had only once previously climbed up Portage the end of my first "fair weather" cycling late November (Sunday afternoon Nov. 21st per my riding log). Upon hanging up my road bike "Red" on a hook in the garage, I had switched over to riding my son Scott's "Hybrid" Diamondback mountain bike...which I call "Green".
"Green" has a triple chain ring (up front) that makes climbing a breeze. It's also a good ride on the tow path or over bumpy roads in Portage County !
Even though "Green" did fine, I was still intimidated by the "straight-up-ness" of Portage Trail.
I kept my eyes focused only five feet ahead of my front wheel and breathed deep and "counted up" to 60 seconds for a bunch of "sections"...that I indexed in my mind.
I call section counting ...taking it one minute at a time!
In what way are these two frames connected?
Green Box: There was only one way to make it home on time...turn left and go up!
Red Box: Will there be a celebration when I make the climb?
When I attempted to shift to the "mega ring", my chain would not stay in its low position. Panic set in.
I had not even started to count when I pulled over...traveling only one tenth (0.10) of a mile.
The Fix!
I figured, "Maybe if I tightened my rear derailleur cable barrel adjuster?"...that would fix it!.
First half turn...lift rear wheel and spin pedals…nothing. Second half turn…test spin…chain now just barely jumps to the mega ring. I am getting close!
One more half turn on the barrel adjuster, to tighten the derailleur cable, should do the trick. Then it happened.
Like a bomb, my rear derailleur cable housing exploded.
I think to myself, "This is not good." So I took a picture of the mega mess and decided to forgo having the chain circle the mega ring.
I put the camera away and started pedaling, counting, and breathing heavy...back on the Portage Trail climb.
55, 56, (heavy breathing), 57, 58…bag it. I am pulling off at the next available right turn at the .4 mile mark. Maybe there is some other adjustment I could try to force RED into its lowest (easiest) climbing gear in the rear.
I am not worried about the grind per se. It's my already sore right knee that I am concerned about. I have been trying to rehab it from a March 15th order to be ready for TOSRV.
I later learn from Jimmer, at my local bike shop Wheel and Wrench, that "according to him" a fragmented rear cable housing has a unique defect name: a Chinese lantern. Jimmer's conclusion was that I could not possibly carry enough "lock ties" to remedy my problem.
Of course, not knowing my fate at the time, I tried to adjust the positioning of the rear derailleur...and undoubtedly created a "bigger" problem. (I probably screwed around with the wrong stop adjustment screw!)
With rain clouds gathering in the skies, I figured, "I better get rolling!"
I clipped in using my somewhat new "spd sl" cleats and pedals (acquired late March 2011) and made three rotations on the cranks. I then felt the chain drop/slide into the highest gear and beyond...resulting in what I assume was a "wedgie".
A wedgie is when the chain becomes lodged between the last cog and the chain stay part of the bike frame. It is not a good thing.
My RED bike came to an abrupt stop.
I looked down to see what was going on with the drive train crash...and "failed to clip out in time." I crashed.
The Fall!
I guess this picture might be a slight over exaggeration. But if you have ever had the pleasure of falling, because you failed to clip out in time, there is a slow motion sensation that begs only one question....
Is this going to hurt?
I sure hope no one sees me when I fall this bad! |
What I am not thankful for is the fact that my already tender right knee "smashes" into my handle bars.
And, equally as painful was the thump I absorb on my upper right shin bone...which seems to have compounded my sore right knee condition.
A Chinese not something to celebrate!
Or, is it?
Or, is it?
The Walk!
After picking myself up, I pulled out my cell phone and it reads 1:58 pm. I better get walking up this hill to meet my "be back home by 2:30 pm deadline."
I knew right then that my hopes, of attempting my first TOSRV, were dashed. I could walk, but the pounding knee pain now painted a picture of the need to abort my plans.
My traverse up the hill took place in the "soggy grass" on the south side of the road. In this case, the "SPD SL" clips provided good traction in the trek up.
When I had covered the final six tenths of a mile (0.60), I looked to the left at the Circle K and spotted a red pickup truck in the outside gas pump lane.
I recall, from reading Stan Purdum's travel logs (see: "Works" In Progress), that some times you just have to ask folks for help when you are in a bind. And in my case, a red pick up truck seems to be the best option.
As I approach, there is a woman sitting in the passenger seat with her window down. She has a "sling" supporting her right arm. It looks like she has just fallen off her bike.
Upon further inquiry, Stephanie fell out of the "wrong side of the bed" on Monday (yesterday), morning. She explained that she had just come from a doctors visit. We instantly bond over our medical history stories.
When I explained my "broken bike dilemma" to her, she said she thought her husband might be able to help me....with a ride in his pick up truck.
We kept waiting for him to come out of the Circle K store so I could restate my appeal. I just hoped the cause of his delay, in the convenience store, did not dampen his mood.
I would not call it a down pour, but the skies were starting to dampen my wait.
I smiled knowing that it must have been way past Dr. Tom's 2:00 pm rain prediction. I'm guessing it might have been even as late as 2:20 pm. Sorry Tom, another missed forecast!
Stephanie's husband finally comes out of the store. I see that he is a big man. Before he steps into his driver side, she tells him of this biker guy on her side of the truck who needs help. I sheepishly wave, "Hello there".
All Are Smiling!
Green Box: Stephanie smiles...through the pain of her shoulder injury and other bumps. Oh...can you see the art work of her seat back cover?
Red Box: Mr.Stephanie smiles because Stephanie is smiling. (I get his name later on in the SAG trip).
The SAG Rescue!
The "Mr." helps me and my "Red" bike into the back of the truck. He had been cutting a friend's grass so, I climb over his lawn care gear to settle in. I am glad to be still wearing my bike helmet.
Safely Tucked in the back of the Red Pick Up Truck
Green Box: The disabled schwinn sits in the back corner by the gas cans.
Red Box: COW with camera snaps one of the back cab window. Note the "window" decal. Betty who?
We depart the Circle K. Proceed south on Cuyahoga Falls Avenue. Take a right onto Sackett and weave our way east up to the drop off location at the State Road Auto Zone...which is cornered by Grant Street.
Auto Zone Manager...takes our parting embrace pic!
Only one question dude! Is your wife's name really not Stephanie but, "Betty Boop?" Check out the third piece of evidence on the driver's side back door window! |
Upon further inquiry, I apologize for not asking his name up front. And then apologize again for asking him to spell it for me.
He goes on to spell out "Marlon, like the guy in the movies".
I am surprised, now that I have seen the movie "The Green Mile", that he does not say, "My name is John Coffey...just like the drink...but not spelled the same".
Marlon is a big man. Maybe not as big as John Coffey (played by Michael Clark Duncan). But, I sense the same gentleness about him.
He tells me that his gift is being a welcoming and trusting spirit. He says, "The bible tells us to consider the strangers we encounter as potential angels".
I, in the mean time, am thinking that Marlon and his wife Stephanie are angels themselves.
Not sure if I will ever see them again, but I certainly appreciate their "SAG Rescue".
Are you seeing the connection now?
Green Box: Marlon...thanks again for the SAG support!
Red Box: Micheal Duncan...thanks for becoming an actor...even if you Mom did not let you play high school football on the south side of Chicago.
I walk two blocks to our house wheeling "Red" along the side walk. I stop at the corner of our front yard to smell a few flowers.
The one tulip solider, that oversees the front corner, looks to be standing guard for the last day of his season. Strong winds are forecast for Wednesday!
Framing the last standing Tulip!
Green Box: Bikers need water...and flowers have had enough water this spring.
Red Box: Mulching and rock wall repairs our next up on the agenda...after I get "RED" back in working order.
I walk through the back door and see the display on the dvd video reader showing 2:29 pm.
"Andy, I am home....just in the nick of time!", I announced.
I don't tell him about smelling and shooting the flowers in the front yard at 2:28 pm. It's been a traumatic enough day to totally spill the beans with him.
However, this Traumatic Tuesday will be a day long remembered (may be until I am 108!)...for lessons learned and reinforced.
I want to treat other humanely...and make "positive" connections on the cycling trail.
Call it,"Magic!", I prefer, "Mystery?" Regardless, I am thankful for the moment...even if took a mile long effort to share it with you. 59, 60...exhale!
Can all of life be this adventurous?
As promised, here is the link to the web site for: Ohio Bike Lawyer - Steve Magas
A "no traffic accident report" is a good report.
And remember, Ride Safe!
Leave those guesses in the comment section! You can do it! |
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