Thursday, April 14, 2011

EPIC is coming along.

Saturday UPDATE:   EPIC SMECKIT!  There will be no complete release under this post because I am breaking the planned post into a number of stand alone parts:
  1. O ROMEO, O ROMEO, Wherefore art thou ROMEO? Posted Sat 4/16
  2. To "B" or not to "B"...that is the question! (PENDING)
  3. Puking and other Fun Bike Club Activities! (PENDING)
  4. ABC's: Thinking Spring Highlights from a COW perspective (PENDING)
  5. First Year Anniversary of first new/used bike purchase (PENDING)  
As I mentioned in comment below...60 degrees, sunshine, no winds...blogging takes back seat.  "Stan the awesome one" drove up from North Canton shortly after noon and we rolled out on a "Figure 8" ride from CFalls to Kent to Stow and back to CFalls.  Here is the launch pic.
COW and Stan Purdum getting ready to leave
the farm for 41.4 miles of CFalls "Figure 8" ride.
Stan shared a story that is going to make you puke.  Well, maybe not...reverse that.  His story was about going on his "first club bike ride" that made him puke.  Same difference I suppose. 

  (Prior Post)
If you have been looking and waiting...I will be posting my "first" EPIC post tomorrow...on Thursday April 14th.  If you need a distraction from doing your taxes...I hope this will be a good read for you. 
Talk at you soon.
Ride Safe!
Cager on Wheels


  1. Can't wait to see how your "Epic Post" lines up with your 2011 goal of "Craft shorter blog entries!!!!"

    Just sayin... O:)

    Taxes for 4 done & FAFSA for 2 checked off the list. HOOO RAAAAHHHH!!!

    Enjoy the pedal to lunch today.

    Ride Safe

  2. Boy, bike riding is starting to interfer with blogging.

    For the record, my offical gag post (that's a joke) only had 78 words...which seems like a short enough blog case you are counting!

    60 degrees and calm winds. Perfect!

    Holy COW!
