
On October 14, 2010, I completed my first solo self supported cycling tour.  The journey from Cuyahoga Falls to Cincinnati took four days while pedaling 331 miles.  The background for this blog reflects a picture of my ride leaning against a fence on the Little Miami Scenic Trail.  Pictured here in my profile is my daughter Lily, a University of Cincinnati student, who was the "goal destination" of this excursion and also my source of transportation back home after the ride.

While in route, I would use my blackberry to transmit email updates to friends and family about my progress.  The backlight of my hand held devise provided adequate illumination while lying on the floor of my backpacking tent each night.  The primary objective of typing out these email updates on the tiny BB keypad was to offer up words of appreciation and thanks for individuals I had met during my first year of bike riding.  It’s amazing to think of the connections I had made which completely molded my passion for cycling.

When I got back home, Mike B suggested that I start blogging about this trip and other stuff.  Since Mike (Code name: Mighty Mike the the Rescue) was the first and only follower of this blog in its first week...I propose this toast, "Here's lookin' at ya!" (slang used to hint at an induced state of inebriation). (Note I don't drink...I blog instead!)

The objective/mission of this blog is primarily focused on sharing perspectives on the personal connections I have made and will make along the traverses of my biking trail.  I hope you will enjoy sharing the ride.

Remember:  Ride Safe!