Saturday, May 14, 2011

Talking Trash...

Did your mother ever wash out your mouth with soap...for trashing talk?

Based upon what I heard at ABC's Saturday adopt-a-highway work day...there was a lot of trashing talking.

 "Got soap?"

I know I have been a little feisty in getting this blog started.  So, for sure, I deserve to "bite the bar" for some of the "instigating" topics I have been harping on.  Please know it is the truth.  If my mother ever heard me say the words, "I am promoting...Cluster..."


She would have clobbered me with a back hand before I finished my utterance, "...Chaperons."

With tears in my eyes...I would have tried to explain to Mom that "leading" does not always need to occur from the front of the pack.  As a matter of fact, the best leading, which is often inspirational, has been done in the "depression of trenches".

You just know these two are TALKING TRASH!

Wally...don't mess with Lori on the topic of trash.
She can talk it with the best of them plus she is carrying extra bags.
Besides, she has one of those poky thingees...
Say one word about the "bags" and you'll be dead meat!
Here are the post highlights of my observations of folks serving in the trenches, demonstrating good potential as Cluster Chaperons, at the ABC's Route 303 Highway clean up:
  • Every Trash Pick Up Day has a "WINNER!"
  • Flocks flying in "Trashy Formations."
  • Is Riding in "boots" Safe?
  • Fishing for Treasures (Hong Kong Steve in Action)!
  • Do you smell something funny (fowl)?
  • Trash Hauling Two Step Dancing!
Thanks for checking out the TRASH!

It's a WINNER!

Getting positive feedback, in a timely fashion, is greatly appreciated.  Our Akron Bike Club (ABC) is well served by a committed leader...Heidi E.

For those not on the club's email list (membership has its privileges), here is a screen shot of Heidi's "thank you" emailed to the club for the twenty or so "smiling volunteers".

There is only one small problem and point of contention.  It seems unfair that Heidi wants to claim the "event prize" for finding and holding up the "most unusual" piece of trash.

Michelle found $5.00, so she needs no prize.  Hong Kong Steve collected enough steel parts...the back of his car trunk is he is no prize winner.

There was a claim that a piece of wire and a clear plastic tag with the words "Clear" on it should be the winner.  Clearly that is not a clear case for making a winner....maybe just a whiner!

There were a lot of other options for the best piece of found and carried trash.  We can only hope that Heidi releases her claim for the "pick up award" and chooses an appropriate winner...some time in this Century (Wow...Heidi rode two TOSRV centuries last weekend...check her blog post Trials and TOSRV-ations) (I am bum knee kept me home and away from Columbus!!!)

We need to put an END to this LANE of speculation...RIGHT away!

Is Heidi really holding the "Winning" piece of Trash?  

I'm glad COW is not the only one poking fun here!
Steve seems to be smiling about his "poking stick"!
What's Mr. Crow got to say about this...please look up!
Flocks Flying in Familiar Formations

If you were to look East and West, you would find "yellow vested" workers walking the spaces where only inconsiderate "trash dumpers" dare to toss.  Be it on the north side, or the south side, the "vested formations" migrate with given purpose.

Some work solo.  Some work in pairs.  Some love the triple of the trio.  Others flock in four.

Moving Away from that...SIGN!
Michelle, Heidi, Crow
See...the sign holding was just a photo illusion.
Michelle is saying to herself...where did my five dollars go?
There is a feeling that more flock numbers makes for more merriment.  This group was always smiling and chatting away.  

Michelle, Steve, Heidi, Crow
These guys actually look like they are having fun
combing the embankment for trash items

Now wait a minute.  There is nothing more distracting to a "unified" trash flock formation than a "couple on a couple of bicycles (not built for two)" pulled up along side the road way.

Please... we are TRYING to work here!!!
 Wanna talk bikes? 
On bikes are Casey and Holly!
That's one mean trash hauling machine that Casey is riding!
FLASH BACK:  Don't you just find it fascinating how things like songs "pop" into your head when working?

These boot are made for walking.  And that's just what they'll do.  One of these days...these boots are going to... walk all over you!

Now how could 2 Million people be wrong...who watched this Nancy Sinatra utube video (Boots Made For Walking)?

I know my mom is probably not pleased that I put this link in here, but...if the "boot fits"! 

We also use to get the yard stick...for a measure of correction from Mom.  I learned to take the "rule" without complaint for fear that her device acceleration would lead to something "thicker" like one of those trash picker upper thingees! Sorry mom, I only looked at the "boots" in the video.

Can you believe they actually wore those skimpy mini-skirts back then?  Pretty trashy if you ask me!

It's no laughing matter...are Boots SAFE for Riding?
Casey is sporting your basic black rubber boot.
Holly, though hard to see, has the pastel colored pok-a-dot version!
Having worn snow boots all winter long in sub freezing temps...I'll give them a "thumbs up" for safety...especially with those fancy flat bike pedals.  Dang!  I wish I had a mega touring bike like Casey's.  Nice ride!

FISHING for Treasures!

There is a real art to fetching trash from the trenches.  It requires focus, balance, proper posturing, and a lot of guts!

Here is a trio set of fishing views for your pleasure!

Lori and Steve try their luck at casting while squatting.
Must be something good...Hong King Steve is smiling with a twinkle in his eye!
Oh yeah.  I forgot to say that Steve, or "Hong Kong Steve", was one of the early highlights in my experiences to fulfill my 2011 commitment to ride as a "Cluster Chaperon".  You can see his story, about the new Trek road bike he bought, at my April 23 post called: Getting A Peak Of Sunshine

Beware...Hong Kong Steve's story is accumulated in a... lonnnnnng post!

It is no wonder Steve worked so hard on finding recyclable steel scraps...he probably "mortgaged the house" to buy his new bike!

Some trash pickers, like Tom, keep bending and prodding until they get their loot!
Tom is working the basin of a culvert which distributed massive amounts of debris.
I appreciate Tom's dedication to the club.  He called to make sure I was coming to the trash pick up day.  And he even invited me to ride with him at the "Pajama Trail Ride" later that day.

Only problem was...I was needing to catch up on some I wore my PJs in normal fashion...while sleeping and missed the event sponsored by Century Cycling.  I assume it was rained out anyway.  Or, at least the flannel wear was soggy!

We lucked out by only having to deal with minor drizzles and overcast skies during the morning trash haul.

For the last set of "Trash Fishing Pics", I am reminded of an expression my college dean of students was fond of saying:

Three of a kind could not beat this PAIR!
Steve (WISE) and Heidi work their tandem team work in the north side trench.
I am quite sure that the yellow garment hanging from Heidi's vest is a
biking jersey...but it sure seems like it could be bloomers!
Sorry for the "WISE crack".


The next series of pictures are painful to look at.  Well, not that painful.  But if you look carefully at each face, you will see a "tension of disgust".  Our delightful moist spring helped contribute to more than soggy trenches.

As we tramped through the trenches, to fetch trash, it would have been so much more enjoyable if things were as dry as bones.

I'll try to describe what I was sensing about the sensational senses of these dedicated workers in the caption of each photo...if you catch (smell) my "drift".

It hurts my eyes.
It hurts my head.
It consumes my nose.
Wally...why so glum?

We got standard issued safety vests and work gloves.
Maybe this might be something we can  "line up" next year...if we are in a smell pinch again!

Check out Michele's furrowed brow!
She smells something!
Just let go of that smelly trash and let it fall in the black bag!

"Egads...what is that smell?", Steve thinks to himself.
If it is not "scrap metal", I am not picking it up!

Wow!  Can you smell that Lori?
Tom... please excuse yourself!
No.  Not that...I think it is the trash up there by COW!
Then again, maybe it is the COW that smells so bad.

Maybe if I look really hard...I won't smell anything!

All joking aside...the smells were not that bad.  Things were sometimes soggy and muddy.  But, as our leader Heidi commented in her email, smiles were the "odor", I mean order of the day.

It's a good thing we did not have to clear trash all the way to Columbs, Erie, or Akron.  Our stretch of highway coverage starts on RTE 303 at the Country Maid Ice Cream Orchard and ends right over the 271 overpass.

The next intersection, east of the 271 interchange, is Stein Road.  I think Casey and Holly covered that connection section, between 271 and Stein, on their bikes.  That's were I initially spotted them digging for trash when I arrived while proceeding west on RTE 303 out of Peninsula.

Heidi, Crow, and Steve check to see if "all is clear".
There are specs of workers on the 271 overpass...who are beginning their return.
All that is left to do is the "dancing'" and consumption of "ice cream treats".

DANCING UP a Two Step Jig!

Lift your  right foot..and follow me!
It seems like only Steve is in lock step with instructor Lori!
But, by the time this group crossed the parking lot...they all were doing
Then the "two steppers" broke out in chanting this song:


(One of the preferred flavors was "pepper mint stick" on a sugar cone!)

We have a beautiful valley to ride it.  It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to keep it clean with fellow bikers and hikers.  That is something worth smiling about.  Besides...we got to have a "free" double scoop of frozen cream.

Not shown in any of the above pictures, were some faces I saw in the parking lot or eating ice cream.  By names I would list Gary, Marilyn, Nancy.  Then there was a guy with a red shirt and a woman that seemed to be connected with him.

I wish I had time to stay around for a group shot.  And, I wish I was awake enough to ride the 18 mile post clean up ride.  But, I could not keep my eyes open when eating my "mint chocolate chip" ice cream cone and concluded it was safer to drive home than ride tired.

Thanks for the Ice Cream TREATS...Country Maid (home made?)
Yes.  That is my "RED" bike leaning against the sign.
The "bizarreness" of my front rack will be explained in a post dated Friday  the 13th!
That's when this picture was taken on a ROMEO afternoon ride.
More to follow....

Remember: Ride Safe!



1 comment:

  1. What a trashy tail of cleaning up the trail. Good work and thanks for displaying the good deeds of the ABC group.
